Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I did a Borders Book Club event last night here at the Borders Mall of GA. It was really fun and inspiring. The people who read NOBODY were very excited about the new book. One lady told me that she thought Chester Holte may be an angel in disguise, which, to this day, I think he may have been. That is precisely what I hoped readers would wonder about. This particular woman said the whole way through the book, she was hoping he may turn up alive, somewhere near the end. Does he? I can't tell. Was Chester an angel disguised as a homeless man on the streets of Las Vegas? Let me know what you think!

I'm working on a new book. It will be my fourth suspense novel. I'm really excited about it, because it is THE book I felt God leading me to write way back in 1999. In fact, I did write the whole thing, shopped it, got some interest, but it was never published. Now I am going to take the skeleton of that story and rewrite it. Really, I'm not even re-writing it, I'm simply taking one main storyline and making that one of the main storylines in this new work.

What about you guys? What are you working on? I have a lot of readers who are also writers. If you'd like, post about what book you're writing right now.

I recently got an email from my friend Brian Palmer, a writer for Infuze Magazine, who's written an interesting book called BLINDSIDED. I think he may have a shot at getting it published.

Okay, I've got to get back to work for now. Hey, if you think of it, pray for rain for us down here in Georgia. We're in our worst drought in 20 years.

Shine for Him,



Anonymous said...

*waves* Hello there, my name is Connie. I'm a friend of Sharon Hinck's, and I found my way here through her blog.

I was able to read the first chapter of NOBODY (courtesy of your website), and I am very, very interested. I can't wait till I can get it!!

Creston Mapes said...

Hey Pais, Cheers to Sharon for sending you my way! I do hope you enjoy NOBODY. Let me know once you've had the chance to read it. Warm regards,


Anonymous said...

I will!

And I'm a writer too, still working on a book that I seem to never have time to work on. *sigh* Working full-time and doing school part-time kinda kills writing time, but I write when I can.

I'm working on a fantasy story about unicorns right now. I started it for NaNoWriMo last year, and it's still a skeleton of a story with great potential. We'll see where God takes it.

I also have a short story that just needs some polishing before sending it off to an e-zine I'm interested in :) And yes, that too is about unicorns :D