Monday, April 30, 2007

Good Time

This past Saturday I met up with authors (l-r) Dale Cramer, Cindy Woodsmall, and Debby Guisti at Roswell Public Library in Atlanta. We had a great time, sharing about our writing journeys, answering questions, and signing a few books. As is the case every time I meet with Dale, I always get good, true insight on the world of fiction writing, and the business side of things. Cindy and Debby told about their new books and made me want to read each. There's so much to learn from other writers. I encourage you to check out these fine authors and their books. A simple google search will take you to their web sites.

Hey, by the way, I hope you've noticed I've created a new blogspot. I did this after hearing from some people that they didn't care for the amazon blog, because they had to have an account there to post a comment. Have a good one!


Preach It?

Recently, I read a blog in which a fairly well known author made the comment that my first two novels, Dark Star and Full Tilt, were suspenseful, yet a bit "preachy." I don't think any author likes to be labeled preachy, so, that didn't feel too great. However, as the weeks have passed, I've gone back to the reason I began writing fiction in the first place (about eight years ago), and that was to testify—through gritty, contemporary stories—the radical love of Jesus Christ and the power He offers to change lives.

I read a lot of novels, Christian and non-Christian. In the non-Christian novels, I'm not expecting to see much of anything about God, so it doesn't surprise me when I don't. There are still a lot of incredible novels out there and a lot to be learned from reading them. However, when I read Christian novels, or "inspirational fiction," as it's sometimes called, I am often surprised to find the Christian element of the story missing almost completely, or—talk about preachy—seemingly tacked on at the last minute, or in the editing stages, in order to be able to call it "Christian fiction" and sell it in the CBA (Christian Booksellers Association).

I don't know about you, but if I'm reading a novel that's sold within the CBA and that falls under the umbrella of "Christian fiction," I'd much prefer to read a realistic story in which the "Christian" element arises from the grassroots of the tale, than to read, basically a secular novel, with God thrown in here and there as an afterthought.