I'm so excited. My third novel, NOBODY (Random House/Multnomah) is being printed overseas right now and I am due to receive my first copy this week. Each of my three novels has taken 4-6 months to write, another 3-6 weeks to edit, another week or two to line-edit, and a bunch of time (weeks/months) doing marketing, interviews, PR, etc. So, when the big day comes and all that work and blood, sweat, and tears culminates in the form of a FedEx package on your front doorstep, well....you can imagine the overwhelming emotions.
My other two books had embossing (raised letters) on the cover. NOBODY will not. And it will also not have any spot varnish. The publisher and designer think that the bright, colorful photo on the cover is really going to "pop," and that is my prayer.....that God will really capture some attention with the homeless man on the Vegas street.
Before I leave, I want to put in another plug for some books by some friends of mine, inclduign: A Shred of Truth by Eric Wilson; The Void by Mark Mynheir; Searching for Eternity by Elizabeth Musser; and Never Look Back by Kathy Herman.
That'll do it. cm
I just finished reading an ARC of Nobody to review for Armchair Interviews.com. Excellent job! You have a special knack for creating authentic characters, from rock stars to the homeless. I know this book will minister to and challenge many readers.
Thanks for the great review. You've done your homework and I appreciate it! Warm regards, Creston.
The cover is fabulous. The colors work really well together and I'm sure it will draw attention on the store shelves.
If I see it in stores down here, I will be sure to turn it cover out.
My first copy of NOBODY arrived yesterday and I am very pleased with it. The cover, back cover, endorsements, and ads in the back for Dark Star and Full Tilt make it a really cool, concise package. I'm excited to see what God does with this book. Thanks for checking in! Cres
Looking forward to reading and reviewing it for the blog tour!
Thanks Valerie. Let us know what you think. Your friend, Creston.
Thanks Valerie. Let us know what you think. Your friend, Creston.
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